The Slow Crawl of SJW Convergence: Warhammer
It’s funny writing about roided up holy warriors in a galaxy of perpetual turmoil thousands of years in the future while Minneapolis burns. Sometimes I get a very conservative urge to wonder if I should worry more about the important items on the agenda, but then I’m reminded that the reason why we are in this mess is right wing insistence that the culture war is as trivial as a mosquito biting a dragon. What harm can it do? Reality reminds me that this mosquito is carrying a supervirus that makes the Black Plague look like Covid 19.
For most of my waking existence I have heard nothing, but both sides of the milktoast soy ridden centrist crowds that diversity in our entertainment is no big deal. Now Minneapolis burns, and my home of California is hopelessly overrun. I think we can all get over ourselves for half a minute to realize we’ve been duped. Decades of constant propaganda will affect everyone eventually. Just ask the conservatives pushing for homosexual rights nowadays when they eventually accept transgenderism five years from now.
So, I’m taking a minute to salute a slowly dying comrade one that even dubs a nickname for the god Emperor himself Trump: Warhammer under Games Workshop.
I know you might think it's ridiculous, but I assure you it has already begun. Little infections of SJW are popping up in light irritations all over the Warhammer community. If we were to look at Games Workshop itself is in the infiltration stage on the Corporate Cancer scale I’d say they’re HR is either totally converged or on the tipping point of convergence. They seem to be at the stage where HR is flexing its muscles, and hiring SJWs for other departments which is an extremely bad sign.
How do I know this? By their fruit you will know them as the Bible says so let’s start with exhibit A: Warhammer Adventures.
For most fans of the Warhammer settings, both fantasy and 40k, this wouldn’t even be recognizable as a Warhammer property. The style is wrong, the setting is off, all three heroes in the 40K setting would have been shot for Heresy by their elders, and at least one of them doesn’t like using weapons. In Warhammer. A character doesn’t like using weapons. I just want that to sink in.
Now, there actually was a big hub hub when this project was announced. Many of the original fans went nuclear, and of course were ignored for the most part by Games Workshop. Ignored, but not attacked. So we know somebody in that company still cares for the lads who keep them in business.
The problem now is the usual crew of gamma losers desperate to see women in their hobby, and are working overtime whiteknighting for this title. It’s the usual nonsense about it not being a big deal, downplaying the roles of original fans, and in the words of even the critical voices that it wasn’t the apocalypse they’d thought it would be. I can only conclude that Warhammer is doomed. On a positive note, your classic figures are going to go up in value in the next few years.
If fans have still not learned their lesson after Star Wars, Marvel, DC, Comics in general, Movies, Games, and gamergate then they don’t deserve to keep what they love. A pity too. Being a poor lad I’d never gotten into painting figurines, and battling them across imaginary galaxies. My interest is a bit more recent. I wouldn’t have minded joining in, but now that I know it’s a sinking ship I might have to pass.
Things like this always start small. The fact that they shot such an intense salvo under the thinly disguised mantra of “it’s for the kids”, and fans are convincing themselves it means nothing is a sign that Warhammer will join our above list of converged destroyed properties far sooner than any of us thought. It either takes balls of steel or complete imbecility to think that you could get away with a stunt like that unscathed. I’m leaning towards the latter with an unhealthy dose of radicalism.
You know what young boys like? Not that above garbage. They like this kind of thing:
Anyone who has been a boy, is a boy, or raised boys could’ve told you this. Boys want to play with the big boy toys not with the pandering crapily designed SJW scraps disguised as kid friendly. It reminds me of all the idiotic religious comics pushed on me by the churchians when I was a kid. Similar art and everything. Here is an example.
Who thinks kids and teens actually like this stuff? People who have never had kids, or are disconnected from their children. Warhammer was the last property that needed to make a salvo into the child side of things. Any boy who sees an ork figurine would want to play with it in a second. The concept is silly. This is an obvious attempt to shoe horse in more diversity, and slowly desensitize fans to SJW content over time.
It’s torture to listen to Warhammer enthusiasts deluding themselves into believing this isn't the first sign of much more to come, or worse encouraging the madness. Recently they’ve been teasing the ninth addition of the game and the trailer is a doozy. It’s subtle, so subtle a normie would never notice, but I’ve seen the tactics of the enemies of the Good, the True, and the Beautiful long enough to know when I see them.
I think that the SJWs were slightly spooked by the reaction to the Warhammer Adventures fiasco so they’re toning things back, but still ever advancing. They aren’t pushing excessive diversity right now, just slight feminism. The trailer was delicate and crafty, but make no mistake the message was poison.
On the surface a concentration on the Sisters of Battle shouldn’t be an issue. Personally, I find their lore a little lackluster, and I smell gamma wish fulfillment with the babes with guns theme but that's not the issue. They weren’t any worse in their conception than the Eldar putting their women on the front line as Banshees. The problem is with the SJWs around they always sense a weakness. In this case a way to push their views while being able to label their critics as neck bearded man children scared or obsessed in a non wholesome way with women.
In this case they made one of the guardsmen a woman, made the central character of the trailer a Sister of Battle member, made her ugly for no apparent reason, and lastly made them comparable to Space Marines including saving the savior cliche. Anyone of those things seems so trivial as to be a nonproblem. Any normie would say so. That’s why they do it this way.
A SJW is a particular animal that may lack intelligence, but is hyper focused on key areas. Propaganda, and emotional manipulation to name two. What they’re doing here is sowing the seeds for more diversity. Take the ugly Sister of Battle. Why make her ugly?
They went out of their way to make the character model attractive under the armor yet made her face unattractive. Not vomit on your breakfast hideous by any means, but just off enough with manly features to be off putting. Remember, this was a trailer for a big push in their business plan. Every single detail is there for a reason.
Try to complain about the massive amount of money that went into making a character ugly for no other reason than women can be ugly in real life, and you’ll at best be told you’re overreacting, and at worse called a perverted sexist obsessed with seeing hotchicks in scantily clad clothing by people who make and sell Warhammer Hentai.
“Why you worried about the womens in your hobby bro?”
The idiot milktoast center cuck will instantly defend themselves by trying to be reasonable with the unreasonable. Saying they’re fine with women in games, and ramble on about idiocy that does absolutely nothing to quell the ever persistent race to the bottom. SJWs will simply attack, and scream to the world, “Look! We told you they're sexist! They can’t even have a realistic looking woman in their game!”
And just like that all “real” women are hideous, and they have even more perceived moral authority in the crucible of feelings and ideas that make up the Overton Window. If you don’t say anything they’ll just keep making things more and more radical till they’re retconning the emperor into a pussy momma’s boy who was taking orders from a hidden shadow female this whole time. Womens win again!
It’s sad because out of what I’ve seen from the defenders of Warhammer, and the SJWs slowly attempting their convergence I haven’t seen a single soul able to push back against this. Worse, because of the destruction of all the male entertainment out there, Games Workshop sales are increasing right now because of all the men attempting to find a new hobby that hasn't been converged. Me included.
Warhammer seemed like a good option, but like most fellows I’m appalled to see the usual feminism vanguard running amok virtually unopposed in the company and the new fans. With this influx of people who would have never considered joining the tabletop game crowd if not for their own hobbies being annihilated you are sure to gobble up many who have not learned their lesson about feminism being the toe in the door, the beachhead, the beginning of the invasion. Worse they will drive up the sales and make demand for more light tea feminism because many of them want women around because they’re desperate to get laid, and proximity makes that more likely. What they sacrifice in that attempt is all the normal men, and marking another win for the Social Justice movement.
Just remember. SJWs don’t care about making money, and want to see you mad. They love your pain. They want to drink your tears so give them no quarter because you will receive none. I hope the community around Warhammer can turn this around, but I see a dark future ahead with the inept defense we’ve seen so far. Still, you can win. Stop caring about what they call you, and be ready to fight tooth and nail or make your own none converged tabletop game/universe. If you don't, no one will.
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