Gun Control is Futile

That’s right, you heard it here folks. Even if the most wild, unshaven activist hippie had his way in our fair US of A his efforts to enact gun control would be an exercise in futility. With a cursory glance of the numbers it’s not hard to see that it would be simpler to empty the great lakes with a bucket than disarm America, and in short is not going to happen no matter what laws are enacted. The concept as a law abiding gun owner should give you the merriment a man driving a tank must feel when confronted by a tailgater. 
Does this mean that our fight against extensive gun regulations is pointless? By no means. Moreover, much like a good Christian man who knows the end of Revelations, and still fights evil in his own back yard a gun owner can see that even though his enemy's fight is doomed for failure that doesn’t mean he won’t be one of the casualties. 
To prove my case we jump across the pond to the supposed haven from all those nasty slug throwers out there the European Union. I’m sure that like me you thought that Europe’s citizens were largely disarmed, but that apparently is not the case according to the numbers. Off of, thanks to the research done by the University of Sydney and the Globalists over at the UN, we can see that even in the horror case that gun owners in the U.S. have nightmares about there are 3,260,609 guns owned in the United Kingdom with only a scant 583,680 guns stockpiled by the military and law enforcement. Only about two million of those firearms are registered while the rest are unknown and only an estimation, but it seems that there are at least a million unaccounted for guns in the UK. You may notice that’s a sizable amount of guns especially when remembering that their military stockpile doesn’t even crack 600,000 let alone a million.
Now think about it. The United Kingdom is supposed to be the gold star for gun control yet even they can’t stop at least millions of firearms from remaining amongst the population. If decades of draconian gun laws can’t defang an entire population, even a law abiding culture such as Great Britain, then no amount of gun control can truly disarm a population. Let’s take this a step further, and look at another country with European Union gun control standards, but with less of a Magna Carta law abiding citizens. Italy.
If you ever had the pleasure of visiting the boot of Europe it won’t take long for you to notice some differences between the pasta and wine loving medeteranean country with the Common Law nations such as Australia, Britain, and the United States. I once heard a story about a man who parked his car on the sidewalk in Rome, received a ticket as one should expect then proceeded to throw the ticket away saying the police were so backed up they were still charging tickets back to the 70s. You guessed it. He never paid for the ticket. You can imagine that if local laws are ignored so thoroughly then laws given from their “overlords” in Brussels would be a particular joke to the Italians over a meal such stuffy empire builders could only fathom, and never properly appertiate.
There are at least, and considering the lack of respect for law we can only conclude that it’s far more than this, that Italy has eight million guns and only around a million guns stockpiled with their military and police. Better yet, despite having over eight million guns about only a million and a half have been registered since 2017. It makes one want some meat balls, and a beretta. 
Now a normal researcher might have left it at that comparison, but with a little bit of curiosity I also researched other EU countries, and found an even more shocking statistic. Germany is ranked fourth in the world for firearms ownership with 25,900,000 guns estimated to be owned within its borders of whom only 5,900,000 are registered with the government. Not bad for a nation that was disarmed twice in the last couple of centuries. Churchill must be rolling in his grave. It makes one want to laugh at how ineffectual the EU gun laws have been. A twenty million discrepancy in firearm onership and registration must make certain homosexual wickens faint in the knees. 
So what do all these numbers mean? Simply put, if decades of gun laws, cultural shifts, and both legal and shady means are not enough to disarm a population, even one that follows laws such as Great Britain, how do the empire builders in Washington ever expect to disarm our good old United States? They can’t. It’s not a question of should, or if the constitution allows them, or even how commi they get. They physically cannot force us to disarm no more than a chiwawa can force a rottweiler to give him his bone. 
Take heart fellow gun owners. The enemy can never hope to win. The United States is number one in gun ownership with anywhere from 265,000,000 to 393,347,000 firearms within its borders. Of those only 1,073,743 are actually registered. Yes, my observant reader you may have noticed that is less than the registered firearms in Great Britain who only has a little over three million firearms estimated in its population. Can we all take a second, and laugh at our Washington overlords? 
They must quake at night imagining if even a quarter of firearms owners decided they were tired of Epstien levels of corruption within the halls of their capital, and started a little boogaloo against them. I’m partial to a crusade if it ever comes to that by the way, but I’m not picky when it comes to pediphiles squatting in the halls of power. After all, the military only has four and a half million guns stockpiled not even the tanks would be able to stop those numbers.
Not that I’m condoning such behavior, but I think we can all agree that there is a reason why American left leaning politicians are so desperate to disarm us. The fox doesn’t like the hound guarding the hen house. Let alone when the hound is armed to the teeth.
To repeat a question I mentioned earlier, does this mean our struggle with the Washington imperialists is pointless? No. If we look at the European nations in question many of their cities are over run with migrants who the police are either unwilling for political reasons, or physically unable to stop from committing crimes. The locals are hard pressed to protect themselves as they would be prosecuted far more severely for defending themselves with a firearm than their attacker would be for attempted rape. That is what we are fighting to prevent in our states and country. 
You don’t need to fear Washington you just need to know what they are capable of, and they are not capable of disarming all of us. They can however isolate you, your family, town, city ,and or state and then disarm you or make it impossible to use your weapons openly in self defense. What we can learn from countries such as Italy and Germany is that community is the ultimate tool against ever expanding tyranny within your government.
Get your guns, get out of the city, meet your neighbors, and finally get to know your sheriff. If you don’t want to be a casualty in the war on guns you can’t be an island in a mass of smelly hippies. Find your people, especially family, and build community with them. Together gun owners are unstoppable in this country. There are hundreds of millions of firearms the gun grabbers will never even know existed. There are just too many weapons and too many gun owners.

I hope that your morale has been raised. We are not fighting from an inferior position. We have the high ground, and all the guns, literally. The Washington Empire can say what it wants, but they will never disarm all of us, and they know it. It’s time we realized that they’re laws are useless. They can take parts, but not the whole. Together gunnuts, together we are strong and they fear us. Don’t despair, make community, and don’t be a casualty because gun laws in the end are futile.


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