What Goes Bump in the Night: Shadow People
Welcome to the first ever "What Goes Bump in the Night" blog post. You may think that I, being a very religious man, might be adverse to the subject of ghosts, cryptids, and the like. My answer to that is stop being such a churchian whore you scripture changing atheist lover. The Bible is a very strange book.
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Samuel's ghost was summoned by a witch, half man half divine giants were created in Genesis, Paul straight up claimed that idols were used to commune with demons. The world described in the Bible is far stranger than our Enlightenment infected minds could ever handle.
Churchians certainly can't deal with such "troublesome" verses and passages. They say it's metaphorical or use semantics and translation tricks to pervert the true meaning of the passage to get around the fantastic parts of the Bible that don’t fit the tiny box they’ve constructed for God and his creation. I believe what the Bible tells me. It's that simple.
That means I have to believe that such things as ghosts, demons, angels, lesser gods referred to as Elohim, and all other nightmares or blessings such denizens bring into reality. This also includes the partial acceptance of certain books like the Book of Enoch who Christ, Peter, and Jude all referenced as scripture. I leave others to decide if it is truly spiritually inspired, but if it was good enough for Christ it's good enough for me. He was around for all the events in question after all.
Hence my new blog post type "What Goes Bump in the Night". I have a morbid fascination with supernatural, and unexplained. I also want to right a certain churchian view about reality that holds Christians back. The Enlightenment view of the world which is borderline atheist in nature.
Here is a challenge for you. Walk into your local church, and start questioning the pastor on the history of Satanism in the United States. I'd say nine times out of ten he will give you an uncomfortable smile and demeaning laugh saying something like "We don't burn witches anymore. All sinners are welcome! They don't have any real power anyway."
Weird, the Bible seems to disagree on the witches having no power. Besides, the witch of Endor demons gave strange powers and strength to many possessed individuals in the New Testament. Who in their right mind would just assume that such entities or methods would just cease to exist after the events described in the book they claim to aspire?
Furthermore, the Bible is chock full of accounts where Elohim, angels, and other divine beings took on physical human form. I know for most churchians this is an uncomfortable quasi mythological sounding concept, and don't you know the churchian is very concerned with how logical he looks to atheists, and other smart boys on the internet.
Odd again since the central tenet of our faith is that God himself became man in Christ. Obviously, this was a far more intense and meaningful move than the standard divine being, angel or otherwise, taking on human form, but I think I made my point.
With the preamble out of the way I want to take these blog posts and ferret out supernatural happenings in the world from a true Christian perspective that takes the Bible and accompanying works that the writers of the scriptures referenced at its word, and not what we want it to say. Obviously, I'm not perfect so many of these concepts will be theories based off of the Bible and surrounding texts. Treat them as such. First on my list is the Shadow People phenomenon, and the Hat Man associated with that twisted madness.
I want to go back to a few passages in the Bible that the churchians butcher or down right ignore, and the book of Enoch which they abhor. Hang on though, I'm getting ahead of myself. Many of you have probably never heard about Shadow People, and the Hat Man before.
A simple google search will suffice in most cases, but if you would prefer a condensed version I can oblige. Shadow People are pretty much that in many ways. Essentially a shadowy figure in human form, other times just a cloud, sometimes even in the shape of animals that have often been found around hauntings and the sort. Many an individual refer to them as ghosts passing a shadow on the world. Often they're accompanied by poltergeist activity, various harassing tactics, and malevolent intents of varying types.
Sometimes they aren't so overt. People often only see them out of the corner of their eye, passing at extreme inhuman speeds, or behind them in mirrors. Other times they peak out from doorways and windows only to be seen on footage later if they're missed. It's an interesting phenomenon that has intrigued me for quite some time.
As far as the Hat Man goes he is another animal, but he is seen around and in some cases even directing or controlling Shadow People. He deserves his own post. As we will see, if the Shadow People are what I think they are, that means this Hat Man is a heavy hitter that should be avoided. I’ll leave that for the next Bump in the Night post.
Before I continue, I want to make it clear that I'm not looking for a debate on whether or not spirits or these Shadow People exist. That's not this post's purpose. This is for people who do believe they exist whether from personal experience, trustworthy witnesses, or footage online. I'm not writing this piece so autistic skeptics set on posturing as smart boys can claim intellectual superiority on an internet debate. If you say something mundanely restarted like they're just shadows or tricks of the light, animation, or any other simplistic none informed notion your limited imagination can concoct don’t. Save us all the time, and go jerk eachother's tiny intelligence egos somewhere else like facebook. I won't even bother to answer you.
If on the other hand you're just not sure on the subject feel free to do some research before returning to this article, or hold your judgement till the end. I know that this may sound a little beyond the pale, but the world is larger than you and your conceptions about creation. Anyway, back to the speculation and theory.
So a fascinating set of scriptures describes the Nephilim in Genesis. They’re referred to as Giants in most translations, and are the result of "The Sons of Man" mixing in a sexual way with "The Sons of God" or in more exact ancient Hebrew words Elohim or gods, divine beings, similar but not like God with a capital G.
When you read the scriptures that say "There are no gods like our God" the Hebrew words say "No Elohim like our Elohim" if I can paraphrase. This seems weird till you realize that Elohim can be plural and singular. It's kind of like sheep and sheep in English. A sheep can be amongst the sheep. We don't know that the word sheep is plural unless we see it in context. Same with Elohim in Hebrew.
So, same race or stuff as the Big G God himself, but not comparable in power or scope are all other gods or Elohim. Which makes sense because why compare God to something that doesn't exist?
If you're lost hang on to your hats because we're going a little deeper with each sentence here. The book of Enoch, which again I want to remind everyone was quoted by God in human form, Jesus Christ, adds more details to our scene of gods mixing with men. Now if the term gods gets your panties in a bunch say "Divine Entity '', gods are just easier to say, and is used in the Bible so I'm going to use that term for simplicity.
Our boy Enoch wrote about the particular set of Elohim gods that committed this sin. He referred to them as Watchers sent by the Big G God to watch over mankind on Earth his new creation. Instead they traded knowledge for wives, and created the half human half god Nephelim with their new concubines. Here we get into my theory on what Shadow People are.
Contrary to popular belief, Demons are not Fallen Angels or Fallen Elohim gods. They are the spirits of the dead Nephelim or the demigods. It seems that because these creatures were beget by other gods they don't belong to the Big G God, and thus are doomed to wander the Earth without rest to exact revenge on mankind. This is according to Hebrew tradition, a few references in scripture, and the Book of Enoch. This has certain implications.
Just like I said above, Elohim have the ability to take on human form. Read stories like Jacob wrestling with an angel till morning, angels or Elohim physically dragging Lot back into his house, and others that show them manifesting said physical bodies. So, what if their offspring who have lost their physical form, their bodies, but are locked in a continued existence on Earth with the ability to affect things like their divine fathers can even in spirit form attempt to take on a physical form? Not possess someone as they are ought to do both now and in Bible times, but actually attempt a physical form like an Elohim.
In my mind the first thing that comes to mind is Shadow People. The look, the inability to take on full physical form, the strange malevolence, the feeding off negative emotions and actions, and their harassment of the living who they hate. In a way these shadows are ghosts, but the ghosts of demigods with abilities we don't fully understand. Not to mention quite the motive for hating all of us.
Shadow People fit the bill for demons taking on physical form. I'm not the first to postulate this by any means. Muslims have called them Ginns for generations, and this is a similar entity to demons just with the twist that some have positive motives. I think the Christian approach matches the behavior of the Shadow People much closer to the truth if we look at the actions of Shadow People. Not to mention the Ginn myth sounds surprisingly similar to taking the ticket if you know what I mean.
Some might sneer at this concept. Especially churchians. After all, it sounds like an episode of supernatural with a taste of Greek Mythology, but the concept is sound. Just because a silly T.V. show was closer to reality than we'd like to admit doesn't mean reality isn't reality. Moreover, much more fantastic stories are recounted in the Bible than this. If you're Christian I assume you accept the word of the Lord. If you have a problem with that I direct you toward the Big G God himself, and not to his humble servant over here.
Not that I'm relaying his good word verbatim. This at its heart is a theory that is impossible to prove conclusively, but I think it has strong enough points to warrant merit. If you run into a shadow in the shape of a man, or cloud darker than night, or a giant shape with red eyes in the dark take heed and gather your Bible. These entities, these demons should never be taken lightly.
Don't try to talk to them. They hate you, and what you are. They feed off your fear and pain. The worse it is the stronger they are, and the more power they have over you. As a Christian you have nothing to fear. You don't belong to them, but don't think for a second you can take them on without strong prayer and faith.
So, Shadow People could very well be demons taking on physical form. Cation is important, and don't let them trick you. Demons are liars gentlemen. If it suits them they can pretend to be benevolent, but as long as you aren't deceived and have your trust in the Lord the Big G God himself they can't touch you. Keep the faith, keep your prayers strong, and watch the shadows.
You might not be alone.
As a side note, if you question any of the validity of the points above allow me to send you to a properly sourced book on this subject. I don’t have the time or energy to hunt down every last source or referenced mentioned above. So if you doubt it, get reading. You should be doing that anyway. The Unseen Realm By: Dr. Michael S. Heiser
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